Monday, September 9, 2013

30 Days to go? Maybe I Should be Honest With Myself

“You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you're never as bad as they say when you lose” - Lou Holtz

With only 30 more days to go, I think it's important to stop and acknowledge whether I've made any progress on the goals I set at the beginning of the summer.

In June, I said I would lose 30 pounds (in addition to the 19 I had already lost) before California, I'd be running everyday and I'd be down to a 10-minute mile. I'd be lifting, I'd have my room clean by September, and I'd have read at least 5 books. Let's discuss.

I've lost 7 pounds. That brings my grand total of weight loss to 26 pounds since I hit my heaviest weight at the end of my junior year. I've been maintaining my weight for almost a month - I'm going to be honest and say maintain and not plateau because I don't necessarily think I've been giving this whole thing the good old college try since camp ended on August 16th. I've ran twice on the pavement since receiving my knee brace the first week of August. Twice. I brought my time from a 15-minute-mile to a 13-minute-mile, but I've only gone twice.

As a side note, I've dislocated my kneecap 3 times and I am not athletically inclined. Years of being teased out of dance, sports, and orchestra left me to theatre in high school, where I was shut down about my singing and dancing. So, here I am: believing I am relatively talentless and extremely uncoordinated. The injuries don't help - hearing the voices of people who have since forgotten what they said to me when I am running is also a mountainous hindrance. All things that I'll have to get over during the hour long group PT I'll be doing 5 times a week starting in 30 days (maybe I should dust off the running shoes?).

The lifting has stuck. I enjoy lifting and I'm already seeing results. That feels great. My room is a mess, my mother will attest to that as most of my possessions are not only clogging up the hallway, but also taking over the house. She'll miss me, but not my stuff. As for my books? I've read one. One hilarious book that while necessary for my mental health and relaxation, did not challenge me in anyway. I feel in some way that I have disappointed my English professors with this fact - I'll get back to challenging literature soon, I promise.

So it sounds like I didn't do a lot and I let myself down in a lot of my goals, but it's not like I've done nothing and I still have 30 days. A lot can happen in 30 days, I've just got to be honest with myself.

1 comment:

  1. It'll come in time. and doing workouts in a pool is great for old injuries
